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Little Space Pioneers invade Tesat

On 28 and 29 July, we had again a little enthusiastic crowd of young pioneers in our house who could hardly have been more curious and craft tempered. We're talking of course of our annual summer vacation program that we organize for years at Tesat-Spacecom and bring children and young people playfully closer to what we do and space technology in general.

crafting, kids, summer holiday, painting, handcrafting, pioneers, program, vacation

Christian Lange tinkering with Tesat students

On his tour through the "Ländle" (how we call our swabian homeland) Mr Christian Lange (Parliamentary Secretary to the Federal Minister of Justice and Consumer Protection and member of the Bundestag) made a stopover at ours and brought Mr Franke (City Council member of the municipal council Backnang) with him.

tesat, backnang, christian lange, bundestag, mdb, laser, students, experiments, apprentice, training

Tesat-Spaceracer: Victory barely missed

On Saturday 10 October 2015, there was again pure motorsport on the indoor track of the Indy Cart GmbH at the 18th city tournaments of Backnang. During the event, nine teams came together to crown the best team of company and club teams. The winner of the ever-popular and coveted trophy was presented, which lies dormant in the custody of the MSC Backnang now for several years.

backnang, kart, team, cart, spaceracer, indy-cart, cup

Tesat organizes holiday program

This year total of 86 children aged between six and fourteen years took part in the summer holiday program at Tesat. In July and August four craft mornings were organized, which were under the motto "satellites". The program was open to both children of Tesat employees and children who had applied through the holiday program of the city of Backnang.

programm, crafting, kids, pupils, free time, fun, holidays, play, children

Corporate run in Waiblingen

The 5th AOK corporate run in Waiblingen, which took place on September 16, 2015 was carried out at optimum running weather on a 5.4 km circular route in the floodplains of the Rems. About 1450 runners were at the start, including 15 Tesat Space Runners - as many as never before since the first participation in this corporate run in 2012.

space runner, waiblingen, corporate run

Smart foxes at Tesat

On July 24, 2015 the smart foxes - preschool children of the kindergarten in Maubach - were here for the sixth time in the project "Technolino" visiting us. Target of Technolino, a project of Südwestmetall, is to introduce children early to the subjects natural science and technology.

kindergarten, technolino, smart foxes, preschool

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