Little Space Pioneers invade Tesat
On 28 and 29 July, we had again a little enthusiastic crowd of young pioneers in our house who could hardly have been more curious and craft tempered. We're talking of course of our annual summer vacation program that we organize for years at Tesat-Spacecom and bring children and young people playfully closer to what we do and space technology in general.
This year we have again come up with very special ideas, so you could, for example, spray paint your self-designed T-Shirt with space stencils, fire a missile towards the sky with a water & fizzy tablet drive or plug together a solar model kit, on which satellites circuit the earth when sunlight shines on it (almost as real satellite). Following the one or the other very exciting activity there was a fascinating lecture about space, satellites and what has everything to do with one or the other.
The crowning glory of the day was the "cooking" of the ice cream. Yes, this is not a mistype, we actually have "cooked" chocolate ice cream with chocolate sprinkles by using liquid nitrogen. "Simply put" we have fed the ice cream mixture with liquid nitrogen until it began to freeze by constantly stirring the whole tub.
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crafting, kids, summer holiday, painting, handcrafting, pioneers, program, vacation