Christian Lange tinkering with Tesat students
On his tour through the "Ländle" (how we call our swabian homeland) Mr Christian Lange (Parliamentary Secretary to the Federal Minister of Justice and Consumer Protection and member of the Bundestag) made a stopover at ours and brought Mr Franke (City Council member of the municipal council Backnang) with him.
At the beginning there was a small welcome from our management, personell management and works council chairmen before moving on to the initial reason: the training at Tesat-Spacecom. At first Mrs Volwassen (our training manager) lead through the training department, before carrying on with the prepared experiments.
With a combination of a laser and audio experiment space technology could be experienced live: So for example a smartphone has been connected to a "sending satellite", which then sended a sound signal via laser beam to a second, three meters distance, "receiver satellite", which in the result emitted the sound signal on a speaker. In a modified setup the smartphone was exchanged with a guitar, more accurate: a guitar string, which then was aligend along the laser beam. When the guitar string was stroke the vibration could be heared through the connected speaker.
We thank Mr Lange und Mr Franke for the nice visit.
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tesat, backnang, christian lange, bundestag, mdb, laser, students, experiments, apprentice, training