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Whitbook Satcom

The Future of Satellite Communication

In recent months, experts have composed from academia and industry to draw up a White Paper on the future of satellite communications. A white paper is a summary of the existing technology and gives an overview of how this will evolve in the coming years. To take account of the latest research results the writing team consists of leading professors from German universities. As a representative of business and industry Dr. Siegbert Martin, Head of Passive Microwave Products, was part of this writing team, by which Tesat has direct access to the latest research and a good understanding of future technical and technological trends and evolutions.


The White Paper contains five focal points:

  • Chapter I Introduction of the technology of satellite types
  • Chapter II Overview of the classical satellite communication
  • Chapter III Future of LEO satellite communication systems
  • Chapter IV Range of technological innovations
  • Chapter V Consequences for research funding and industry


Dr. Martin, how is a White Paper made?

"The White Paper was created as part of the Information Technology Society in VDE under the direction of Professor Dr. Ingo Wolf. Each author has his contributions sent to the head, which were then revised and coordinated in joint meetings of the authors at the VDE in Frankfurt."


If you look back over the past few months, what did you find most moving?

"First of all, it was the cooperation with experts from various technical disciplines that have broadened my horizons. Second, the confirmation that we as Tesat work in a high-tech industry, which has an innovative future. To be successful, diverse disciplines must work cooperatively and jointly seek new solutions - that makes this industry so interesting! On the other hand, I realized that the products of Tesat operate only in a small segment and that we have a lot of potential for development."


How do you assess Tesat in this environment?

"In recent years, Tesat has evolved into a leading company for space products, but what has brought us here will not be enough to maintain our excellent market position. As the White Paper points out, the space industry is facing major changes and is looking for innovative solutions. Courage to go other ways to take responsibility and stand up again after the failure will be necessary to avoid being left behind in the industrial transformation. Of course, we are well positioned as Tesat and have all the cards in our hands to make a successful future."


The White Paper Future of Satellite Communication can be downloaded here (Link).

passive microwave products, passive, trends, future, satellite communication, white book

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