Rockwell Collins Award for Tesat
Tesat Parts Agency was honored with the this year’s “Supplier of the Year” award in the category “Value-Add Supplier” by Rockwell Collins. The US aerospace company awards this prize annually from hundreds of suppliers to only ten chosen companies.
Rockwell Collins Inc. was founded in 1933 as a manufacturer for radio and communication equipment and is meanwhile a world wide operating group with 4.6 billion US-Dollar total sales. Over 20,000 employees in more than 150 countries care for the core business, which is the development and delivery of innovative products and services for the aerospace industry.
The award refers to the performance in the area of “EEE-Parts Services” for Rockwell Collins Germany and their worldwide businesses with momentum wheels for satellites. It was brought to front that through the services of the Tesat Parts Agency Rockwell Collins Germany could always deliver the desired quality in time. The support is broad, ensures a smooth production flow and manages the suppliers of EEE parts. Furthermore the EEE components were stored to provide just-in-time-production to react fast in case of problems.
award, supplier award 2015, rockwell collins, supplier of the year, value-add supplier