ExoMars on it's first milestone
The TGO space probe was now on its way to the Red Planet for seven months, and is now on the finishing line of the ExoMars mission. Yesterday afternoon, the international team of ESA and Roskosmos researchers celebrated the first milestone: The separation of "Schiaparelli" from the research probe "TGO", which was not quite uninhibitive, was successfully mastered. Now it takes a few more days until Schiaparelli has braked to the right speed, before it lands on Mars on Wednesday.
For Tesat components it is now by no means the first rendezvous with our neighbor planet, but nevertheless always exciting to witness - and of course we still fever like the first time! From us on the ExoMars mission are X-Band waveguide switches, which are used in ExoMars telemetry subsystems. Furthermore, many parts, such as radiation-resistant voltage regulators, logic modules and bipolar transistors, have been subjected to demanding thermal cycling tests in our Parts Agency.
Tesat wishes ExoMars all the best, lots of success and great insights about our neighbor!
IMAGE: ESA-D. Ducros
esa, switch, exomars, roskosmos, waveguide, bipolar, transistors, telemetry