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TESAT Campus 2019

TESAT Campus: Success Story continues

The success story of our TESAT Campus continues. Meanwhile, our second and third training was finished and thirteen new, happy and successfully certified participants could be released to the world of EEE space parts.

However not just for our participants, also for us this new training program is an enrichment and further education, as we learn from Campus to Campus to understand our customers better and adapt the training to the needs and interests of the current participants.

A short overview of the training procedure inside TESAT Campus:

Usually the Campus is designed for three days with everyday sessions and exercises at the end of each, while an additional day is reserved for the practical Lab Day.

Each participant gets an almost 400-paged booklet on the training content, consisting of the chapters EEE Parts, Procurement, Quality, Radiation, Spec-Systems, Upscreening, Destructive Parts Analysis (DPA) and Failure Analysis (FA). “

With this training I had the possibility to have a view over the Tesat EEE Space component Agencies world; I was like staying at the window and having a look at the complete Panorama of EEE Space Parts World”

Before getting to know true Swabian tradition at the end of the course, the Lab Day closes the TESAT Campus inside our EEE DPA laboratory, where the participants learn why we are doing these tests and how.

“I have now a better awareness about the problematic related to this “small” parts, and with this I can better understand the efforts done for me as a customer.”

The next TESAT Campus will take place from 10th to 13th February 2020. We look forward to your registrations!

tesat, training, eee, parts, dpa, campus, failure analysis, destructive parts analysis, certificate, labday, laboratory

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