Space Tech Expo Europe 2015
The Parts Agency was represented together with the EEE-Centre from 17 to 19 November 2015 on the Space Tech Expo Europe in Bremen. The booth and two held lectures were well received by the professional audience.
The concept of the organizers based on a fair exhibition over three days and concomitantly two free talk sessions, an industry forum on strategic topics and contributions. Furthermore there was a technology forum for the presentation of technical expertise and the various services.
The event itself has exceeded all our expectations. More than 200 exhibitors, including most of our key components manufacturers, test houses with whom we work, and some of the clients of the Parts Agency were represented with a booth. Among the more than 2,000 trade visitors were a lot important contacts for us.
Before the fair, we had already identified appointments, but it was unlike interesting that many interesting discussions developed spontaneously.
In addition, two lectures were held by us:
Frederik Küchen explained in his article "Space Parts Procurement, Engineering and Supply - Roles of a Parts Agency" the importance of effective components procurement in combination with a broad portfolio of services by Tesat. Intensive discussions and individual meetings provided a welcomed opportunity.
Martin Veith had the topic "EEE Parts for Space: Managing today's demands and securing the future - expectations on supplier cooperation".
Here the expectation was shown to the components manufacturer based on the two market trends "professionalization" and "New Space”. This includes not only that technically advanced components need to be placed on the market, but also innovations and contributions throughout the process chain (Supply Chain, processability, DFM, design to cost, etc.) are expected.
space tech expo, parts agency, fair, expo, bremen, EEE-Centre